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Joseph (J.A.) Atchinson Clagett
Sergeant, Co I, 17th Ky Inf

Joe A. Clagett was born on March 7, 1841. He enrolled in Company E on October 28, 1861 and was mustered in on January 4, 1862 in Calhoun for a three-year enlistment. He was discharged on Jan 23, 1865 in Louisville. He was transferred to Company I in the consolidation. His home was Leitchfield, Kentucky. He was married to Angie Layman (May 15, 1847-May 3, 1922) He died March 19, 1936 and is buried in Walnut Hill Cemetery.

Joe Clagett with Great Granddaughter - Cahterine Clagett.

Summer of 1915 at the home of JA Clagett Leitchfeild, Ky. Mrs Lydia Larkin Indianopolis, IN; Frank Clagett, Pasedina, CA. Mrs Sarah Day, Leitchfield, KY. Backrow: Joseph Atchinson Clagett (JA) and Tom Clagett, Central City, KY. Three brothers and his sisters in this group.

Walnut Hill Cemetery

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